Rappel: N’oubliez pas de venir en masse au prochain Café Numérique ce mercredi, les caméras de la RTBF seront là et nous comptons sur vous pour promouvoir notre communauté! Une fois n’est pas coutume, voici un billet en anglais concernant notre partenaire, le Founder Institute, qui propose une formation intensive de 4 mois aux entrepreneurs pour les initier aux méthodes de travail de la Silicon Valley. Les frais d’inscription sont offerts à tous ceux qui s’inscriront avant dimanche 13 février au soir. Wanted: Strong Founder to Kickstart Disruptive Startup Indeed. There is another opportunity to experience 4 months of Silicon Valley in Brussels. The Founder Institute is the only American incubator in Belgium. They have imported the innovation and teamwork of Silicon Valley to Brussels with an intensive four month program. The Founders selected for the program benefit from an impressive network of tech entrepreneurs, such as Lorenz Bogaert (Netlog), Phil Libin (Evernote), Dries Buytaert (Drupal), and Gabe Zichermann(Gamification Co). The goal is to train the Founders of the next Google. The Founder Institute is looking for entrepreneurs who have ambition for global domination. Founder Institute accompanies you from the very beginning, with just an idea, to transform it into a viable project that is ready for raising capital. Apply now by clicking here. Applications are free through this Sunday 13 February so hurry up! Hear it from the graduates: « The Founder Institute is the ultimate startup school – I didn’t think I needed it but in fact it was an amazing rollercoaster that has played a huge role in our business.  It made us think product-wise and move in a completely new direction, supported by our peers inside the program.  We just received our first VC pitch invitation which is definitely thanks to the program. » – Koen Stevens, Founder Institute Brussels grad and Founder of BuboBox. « Having an idea is one thing, knowing how to build a viable business and execute on your idea is something else. And that is exactly what the Founder Institute, using the combined knowledge of more than 250 successful startup CEOs, helped me to do. » – Dave Sneyders, Founder Institute Brussels grad, Founder & CEO of Necesso.